Monday, December 7, 2009

Answered prayers...

A month or so ago, I lost my wonderful babysitter, Angie, to the economy. She was no longer able to afford to stay home and babysit and was fortunate enough to receive a job offer she couldn't refuse. Needless to say, I was devastated. However, what I didn't know was that God was providing for a need that I wasn't even aware of yet. I called my mother that evening after receiving the news. Out of the blue, she says, "I want to keep him. I think I can do it." Needless to say, I jumped at the idea (cheaper daycare). Little did I know that a few weeks down the road Danny would have to take furlough days. The Lord shall provide...

Anyhow, during the day while mom has Grant she will talk to me via instant messenger to let me know how things are going. Here is today's conversation:

we have had adventures today

oh really?


Larenda says:
we ate lunch and he was SO SLEEEPY, so we put him down after he ate - changed his diaper first

Larenda says:
of course we had an extended period of fussing

oh no
Larenda says:
not as bad as friday though


Larenda says:
thought i smelled something during the fussing period but didn't want to check him for fear of not getting him to sleep at all

Larenda says:
he finnaly fell asleep and all was well - i was trying to get my laundry done while he slept
and low and behold while i was hangingup clothes in my closet, i hear an alarm - a LOUD alarm - coming from his room


Larenda says:
i come in here to try and shut it off before the damage was done - TOO LATE! then i can't figure out how to turn it off

oh no

Larenda says:
i finally got it off, but we were ready to get up and the shooey was really going on
so we get up and i change his diaper

oh too funny

Larenda says:
well, you know the term 'ring around the toilet' right?

um yeah

Larenda says:
well, your son has a ring around his butt
his shooey was bright green and smeared everywhere and I CAN'T GET THE RING OFF
so he has a green ringaround his butt - he will need a bath tonight

ROFL You are killing me! I love your stories with my son.

Larenda says:
well, we do seem to get into some predictaments

But they are so entertaining
Larenda says: